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Interregional forum in Chernihiv "Economic recovery in the de-occupied territories"

Chernihiv Region is involved in the implementation of the interregional project "Economic Restoration in the Liberated Territories", which is implemented with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

On January 25, 2024, the director of PPTE JNL Liudmyla Lohinova visited the interregional forum, which is designed to promote the recovery of the country's economy in the de-occupied territories. It was organized by the team of the PO "Development of the Business Sector of Ukraine", representatives of the Chernihiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry and representatives of the Chernihiv RMA.

The Forum "Economic Restoration in the De-occupied Territories" is the last and final stage of the project of the same name. Key topics discussed during the event: development of state and regional strategies for the recovery of liberated regions; economic recovery: business challenges and problems; tools of economic support for SMBs, development of business support infrastructure.