JNL - private production and trade company

+38 (0462) 672100

Производитель и экспортер
JNL занимает лидирующие позиции
Мы экспортируем

A producer and exporter of groats the Ukrainian enterprise “JNL” welcomes you. Founded in 1992, our enterprise has formed trading and manufacturing traditions. We won the status of the reliable supplier not only among Ukrainian, but also among foreign buyers.

PPTE “JNL” is a member of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine and the Chernigov RCCI. It is also a member of All-Ukrainian public organization "Association of Payers of Taxes of Ukraine", a member of regional association of the employers organizations "Sivershchina", an associated member of the European Association of Business Development, a member  of PA «Community of Pulse Producers and Customers of Ukraine»

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The wide range of production and always high quality in compliance to the international standards form JNL company's geography of delivering goods.

Our enterprise won reputation of the reliable supplier and business partner in world agro-sector.

For more than 20 years history of cooperation with our clients, the geography of production's delivery covers over 39 EU countries, the CIS, Asia, Africa, America, and also Australia, and extends to this day.

We cooperate only with the best transport companies, thereby providing expeditious cargo delivery by railway, sea and motor transport all over the Globe.

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Зерно производства компании  ДЖИ-ЭН-ЭЛ Фасоль производства компании  ДЖИ-ЭН-ЭЛ

On July 10, 2024, the director of PPTE JNL Liudmila Lohinova, attended a meeting in the Chernihiv Regional State Administration, where business, government representatives, energy and heat generating enterprises, and banking institutions gathered to discuss in detail the possibilities for simplifying the conditions for installing generating plants, their connection to gas, electric and heating networks for business entities.

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From the tax authority took part in the meeting: acting Head of the Main Department of the State Tax Service in Chernihiv region Tetiana Ruban, acting Deputy Head Olena Pustovoit, heads of structural subdivisions.

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On June 25, 2024, the JCF “Hesed Esther” hosted a presentation of the novel by the outstanding Ukrainian writer Olena Pecherna “In the Shadow of the Earth Woman” in which the winner of the competition for the best translation of the book of the student of the National University named after Mykola Gogol Nadiya Puhach was held. There were wards of JCF “Hesed Esther”, the elderly and the disabled, to whom the Foundation provides all kinds of assistance and supports everyone in this difficult time.

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